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In service for the whole person

Encouraging healing and wellbeing through mindful, coordinated, and compassionate care.

About Wholesome Therapy

Services at Wholesome Therapies stand out as a powerful long-term investment in your health In a world that loves quick fixes.


Whether you’re dealing with pain, recovering from an injury, training hard, managing everyday stress, or overcoming limiting beliefs, our bodywork and coaching services focus on the root causes of physical and emotional challenges, speeding up recovery, reducing injury risk, and enhancing overall well-being.

Hand masage and bodywork therapy
Caring hands
Somatic Bodywork

We Can Help With

Relief From Physical Ailments

Reduce pain, improve detoxification, and feel more energized with better movement patterns

Enhanced Athletic Performance

Move more freely, recover faster, and lower your risk of injury by optimizing your fascia and connective tissue.

Emotional Wellness

Heal and release emotional challenges with a holistic approach where ‘all of you’ is welcomed and supported.

Improved General Health

IBoost digestion, enhance circulation, relax deeply, and prioritize the self-care you deserve.

Holistic Bodywork
Healing Touch Bodywork

- What Our Clients Say 

Today I find [my] torso is more upright with less effort to keep it that way. It's probably part physical and part psychological, but there is a difference. The awareness alone has a beneficial effect.

- John W

[The] work we are doing has provided relief and I’m feeling more ease and freedom in my joints. [I] really am feeling the benefits, can’t thank you enough.

- Joanna W

My body felt much free-er and elongated, part by part. [Alex is] like a mechanical body engineer:)

- Faye B

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Let's get in touch

363 W Drake Rd, Fort Collins CO (Tues-Thurs)

3970 Broadway, Boulder CO (Mon/Fri)

303 900 8937

Center For Health, North Platte NE

Virtual/Online (Mon-Fri)

Wholesome Therapies Logo

© 2020

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